jessica astio

resident artist

I focus on giving a voice to controversial emotions by exorcising them through my female characters: conscious creatures that exist in the liminal spaces of the mind that are tasked with communicating or codifying sensations and moods that we’re aware of, but unable to give shape to.
It all starts from my passion for Asian horror, full of silences, shadowy spaces and female protagonists often transformed into ghosts or vengeful monsters full of grudge, and from Japanese underground cultures such as gyaru, gothic Lolita, sukeban etc.
The union of these two hemispheres creates a ”creepy-cute” aesthetic that unites the world of the living with the afterlife; the world of the conscious and that of the unconscious.

Booking request

Request an appointment for your tattoo.

Tell me your idea, explaining the meaning behind the tattoo without any fear of being wordy.

Let me remind you you won’t receive any draft and you will check the project exclusively the day of your appointment, studying together any changes.

i’ll evaluate your request, giving you more info and details regarding booking and project.

Subsequently you’ll be asked for a deposit to confirm your reservation. I’ll reach back to you as soon as possible!

You will be contacted soon!

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